Welcome to Cardiff Flying Start

Providing extra help to get children off to the best start in life.

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Are you eligible?

Do you have a child aged 0 – 3 years 11 months and live in Cardiff?

If so please enter your postcode to see if you’re eligible for Cardiff Flying Start.

What we do at Flying Start

Find out what we do and the services we provide at Flying Start.

Enhanced Health Visiting Service

The Flying Start Health Service aims to support you with parenting and to provide you with any help and advice which you might need, from the ante natal period through to 3 years and 11 months.

Help and support can be provided on a range of issues which may affect you and your family. These include caring for your new baby, feeding, weaning, sleep routines, potty training and behaviour issues. We can also sign post you or refer you to other agencies within and outside Flying Start if required.

The Cardiff Flying Start Health team includes

  • Health Visiting Service
  • Community Nursery Nurse Service.
  • Speech and Language Therapy Team
  • Dietetic services
  • Breastfeeding Support specialists

More on our health services

Access to Parenting Programmes

Congratulations on becoming a parent!

At Cardiff Flying Start we value parents, carers and wider families as the first and most important educators of children. This is central to all of the services we provide.

Flying Start Parenting and Cardiff Parenting 0-18 are both part of Cardiff Parenting Services. Being a parent can bring joy and happiness as well as challenges, at times. The aim of Cardiff Parenting Services is to work in partnership with families living in Cardiff to improve parenting confidence and skills, strengthen relationships and nurture wellbeing and resilience.

We can work with you both individually or in group sessions to provide parenting support that:

  • Increases your confidence as a parent, and helps you feel like you can cope better in stressful situations
  • Builds on your own self-regulation (how you identify and manage your own feelings) and positive parenting skills to promote your children’s development. This includes how they manage they emotions (self-regulation), play with others and how they feel about themselves (self-esteem), making behaviour easier to understand and manage.
  • Improves the relationship and time you enjoy together, playing with your children
  • Improves communication and relationships between parents
  • Strengthens your understanding of the importance of play and the important role of parents for child development. This helps support you to respond to the needs of your children to promote their learning, development and well-being

In Cardiff Flying Start, our Parenting teams deliver a variety of services for families, that parents and children can enjoy together or that parents can attend while children are cared for in our crèche. We also provide services for individual parents in the home. We currently offer:

  • Your Baby is Amazing
  • Stay & Play
  • Mini Talkers, Mini Explorers
  • GroBrain
  • GroBrain Toddler
  • Parent Nurturing Programme
  • It’s Child’s Play
  • Parents Plus psychology-led service

Through parenting positively and building meaningful relationships, parents can help raise healthy children, develop a more calm and peaceful household, with fewer arguments and conflicts. Research tells us that children who grow up with positive parenting are more likely to:

  • Do better at school
  • Have better relationships with family members and friends
  • Have higher self-esteem and confidence
  • Have fewer behavioural issues
  • Be able to manage their emotions better

If you are interested in our Parenting Service but are not eligible in Flying Start, please go to our site Cardiff Parenting.

More on our parenting services

Fully Funded, quality, part-time childcare for 2-3 year olds

The provision of high quality childcare for children from 2-3years old is the centre piece of the services to be provided under the Flying start initiative. Childcare is provided in a variety of settings across Cardiff and the Childcare Advisory Team work closely with all settings to support, develop and monitor quality practice.

Speech, language and communication

Supporting children’s language and communication development is a core aim of the Flying Start project.

The importance of targeting and identifying children who are having difficulties as early as possible is well evidenced. As is research into brain development which has shown that the first three years of a child’s life are crucial to the development of good language & communication skills.

In Flying Start areas children who might be having speech and/or language difficulties are identified as soon as possible in order that the team can provide the most appropriate support as early as possible.

Our partners

Visit our partner websites for further information on the services for Cardiff Families.